Haber, Paul

Handball - 2014
Paul Haber won five United States Handball Association Four-Wall Singles championships, dominating his sport from 1966-1971 (except 1968). He also captured the 1973 Three-Wall Singles title, and 1970, 1971 and 1974 Three-Wall Doubles Championships.
Paul was elected to the (USHA) Handball Hall of Fame in 1983.
The colorful Haber, known as ‘Playboy Paul’, was also a top racquetball player and a member of the PGA (golf) Tour.
During his championship years, Haber was the unique athlete whose court talents and over-the-top personality gave the (then) little recognized sport of Handball its first serious media attention.
Born in New York, the Haber family moved to San Diego in 1958. His father, Sam, is also a member of the Handball Hall of Fame.